Our week has been off to a great start around here. Yesterday, Phillip spent Monday afternoon down at my dad's wife's studio. She is a professional artist and has a studio in the Stutz building. He painted and drew all afternoon. He was focused, creative, and very intentional in his efforts. While I try not to be like this, I am so happy he has taken an interest in art. I love making and doing art and always have. My parents (both creative) nurtured that side of my brain and encouraged exploration.
I had an "art room" across from my bedroom, which was the spare room with a drafting table and oodles of real art supplies, plus all the junk I saved to make art with. I took classes at the Indianapolis Art League (now the Art Center...and the place where I had my first grown-up job). But, Phillip was never much into making stuff when he was little. His preschool teacher would tell me that he rarely chose art during free time. She assured me that was right on track for four-year-old boys, but I was always disappointed. (Yes, yes, I do certainly recognize the creativity involved in Lego play).
Now, he has developed an interest in it. He frequently asks for paper and pencil at home, draws elaborate pictures and describes his vision to us in detail, then asks for help spelling words for a title, such as his picture of life under the sea, entitled: God's Sea Creatures. There are the many Army scenes, but you should see this kid draw a helicopter! And the one he drew earlier this week of police chasing a bad guy with the police dog, but it had footprints, people, the dog-it was a real scene!
On the way home from the studio, he told me how much fun he had drawing so much and how nice it was to be alone in that quite place to draw. I am so glad he has discovered the joy of making art. I think creativity is such an important thing to nurture, it is just flat out handy in life to be creative and able to dream, visualize and conceptualize ideas. But it isn't something you can really "learn" in school. You sort of either got it or you don't. And, in my family, the creativity gene runs very strong; looks like at least ones got it!

They are getting so big so fast, I love to see them grow but it makes me sad.
What a great way to bond with his "grandma" and be creative. Won't it be nice that he has memories of her encouraging his artistic side?
Lisa B.
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