Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter
The cold gushy paint felt so good on their feet!
View pictures in Piscasa Web Album to see how it turned out (but, if you have three boys, I bet you can guess how it turned out)...
This weekend was so beautiful. It has been weeks since we have had weather this nice. Blue, blue skies, soft breeze, cool temperatures--we made the most of it.
The boys and I (Jeff was working until 2)started our day with breakfast outside at Panera, they each ordered a giant cinnamon roll with milk. Then, we headed to Connor Prairie (a living history museum). We arrived right as they opened and joined only two other cars in the parking lot. We took the "tram" for a nice ride to the far side of the museum and started at the Zimmerman's farm.
The boys helped carry in wood for the stove, as Mrs. Zimmerman was getting ready to bake some bread. Exploring continued including a game of marbles at the house of the potter and another game using iron hoops at the house of the Blacksmith.
And then the animals at Connor farm. A donkey, sheep, chicks, roosters, all roaming the barn amongst visitors. Samuel and Andrew held a chick. Sam did great, but Andrew squeezed too hard and the chick chirped uncontrollably!
Other weekend happenings include Samuel's (and Phillip's this time too) Friday night BMXing (this is last Friday). Andrew cried for an hour leading up to it that he wanted to BMX too. We tried every way we could think of to explain to him that he couldn't go BMXing because you have to be able to ride a bike, "Fine" he would say, "I will take my Plasma." Andrew loves the Plasma, he rides that thing faster than any kid I have ever seen ride a toy using his or her feet (and burns big holes in the tops of his shoes by scraping them on the ground) but it is not dirt-track ready. He was miffed.
Jeff posted some pictures of the first BMX excursion on his blog, but nothing prepared me for seeing it in person. Wow. They are brave, strong and determined! They both can make it all the way around. Samuel is like an animal on that track--focused, fast and determined to get some air over the jumps.
And then there was the afternoon/evening at my cousin's house where the boys discovered all things manly. Four wheelers, golf carts, guns (well, the kids didn't shoot guns, but the guys did). Ah, country livin'! See pictures on Picasa Web Album because I am getting super annoyed at Blogger when trying to upload these photos into the blog. It is totally sucking.
1 comment:
Really great blog! I am a mother of many girls, five of them! I grew up in Bloomington and now call Utah my home. We have a few things in common, but your "Anything on NPR" comment really stood out for me, I LOVE NPR as well! If you have any time to spare(ha ha), I have just created my own blog and have a little article about Paula Poundstone on it. Give me any blog advice you have, I'd love to hear from you. Jen
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