Thursday, May 10, 2007

Parent-Teacher Conference

Today we had our parent-teacher conference for the middle child--all full of mischief and long, long eye lashes. We were so proud to hear the teacher's comments. But, does it make me a terrible mother to say I didn't hear what I always thought I would?

Well, I guess I sort of did. We certainly know around here who the ray of sunshine is in the house. But we also know who can turn the sky dark faster than anyone. We know who has the greatest sense of humor. But we also know who likes to fake cry and whine about hurt feelings when a certain someone, I don't know who, tells him his farts smell like hot beans. Seriously, I don't know who says that. Well, I might know.

We know the one who is first by your side when you yell ouch to see if you are okay and offers soft kisses kisses anywhere on the body that appears to have been injured at any point in a persons natural born life. But we also know the one who bulldozes his little brother, stands on top of his back and giggles with delight of his conquer.

We know the one who still likes to be held like a baby, carried and cuddled. But we also know the one who loves girls and is convinced that his penis is an object for public display. We know the one who listens to a story quietly, seemingly enjoying the pictures. But we also know the one who interrupts your sentence to finish it with, "...and then he pooped on his head." We know who has such an eye for beautiful and rich things. But we also know who has destroyed the most furniture, blinds, walls, floors, cabinets, cars and more in this family.

That Sam, he is a real study of polarism. There isn't a lot of grey area with Sam. He is on or off. Happy or sad. Funny or hurtful. Listening or not. Laughing or whining. Torturing or cuddling. So, today I sort of expected to hear about the times he said he hates Jesus or gave his friend a wedgie (how on earth do you spell that?). I expected a report of how he too often uses his hands to solve problems or how he said dammit at snack time.

Nope. None of that. Okay, fine. He can be incredibly rotten at home--totally exhausting and rob any adult within 200 feet of every ounce of energy they have. But, here is the really important part, two things. First, he does know when to do that and when not to. He has a filter that tells him school is a place where he has to make decisions about how he will behave and more often than not--most of the time--he makes the right choice. Second, he loves me so much he can be whoever he wants at home and he knows I will still love him just the same.

I don't know why I had different expectations, but I did. And, here I am to admit I was wrong about that little guy. I always knew he was smart, funny, of incredible spirit and extremely devoted to his family, but I am even more amazed to learn what a good friend he is, how well he listens and participates in class (especially during Bible stories! What?!?). I am so proud to learn he encourages others, supports them when they are sad or feeling left out and rallies the troops to get a job done. That's my guy and I am so glad he shares that side with the world.

Really, how can you not love this guy? No one loves you back like Sam. Sometimes loving him is at a high price, the the return on the investment is 1,000-fold. He is one in a million.


Anne said...

awww. Now your making me wish I would have been together enough to even know conferences were today.
I just love the teachers so much at DS--they really see the good and wonderfullness (like that word?) of our kids.

Anonymous said...

Your blogs are back with a fury! They are wonderful. I love what you wrote about Sam. You need to keep that somewhere so he can read it when he is older. In fact, the whole blog history should be made into your memoirs!

Anonymous said...

Great Blog. I'm so glad you're back. Having a boy(s) can be a challenge Wait till they hurt them selves jumping there bike over a home made ramp, and ask why did they do it...because it was fun!!
Nothing changes much, as they get older, they're just taller when they do the stupid stuff.
Enjoy every minute of it!